![]() Ah- the good ol' raspberry. Let me introduce you to this great superfood; Raspberries are a fruit that per cup provides 8 grams of fiber, 15 carbs, and only 64 calories! THEIR BENEFITS: Weight loss. Raspberries are becoming popular in weight management tactics as they contain phytonutrients that increase the metabolism in fat cells, and can decrease the activity of fat digesting enzymes of the pancreas. This means that when digested, these phytonutrients can help us stop absorbing and holding onto fat cells and also help break down any fat cells already in us. Raspberry Ketone pills have become popular in the weight loss pill world. This is for that reason- the phytonutrients are chemically removed from the raspberry and mixed with a whole bunch of other crap and put into a pill. I'm not telling you to take theses pills, DO NOT take these pills, just go for the natural, healthy fruit. Atoxidantative powers: As stated above, raspberries have 50% more antioxidants than strawberries. Antoxidants are what helps us stay away from catching colds. These antoxdiants also help fight against cancer and heart disease. A few ways to eat raspberries: 1. Add some raspberries in your next smoothie. 2. Yogurt partait; yogurt, raspberries, blueberries, slivered almonds and some cinnamon yummmmm 3.Enjoy raspberries by themselves for a little pick me up between lunch and dinner 4. If you're craving some choloclate.. Make your own dark chocolate covered raspberries Challenge: Switch one of your staple snacks for raspberries this week. ENJOY! ![]() My dinner last night- Quinoa with cranberries, apples and spinach. 4 ingredients, 15 minutes to make. To add a little more protein I grilled 4 of chicken. Ingredients: 1 cup uncooked quinoa 1 medium apple (I used Gala) 1 cup (or big handful) baby spinach 1 cup cranberries or cran-raisins 1. Cut apples into 1/2 in cubes. Sauté on pan on medium heat 2. Add cranberries in with apples 3. Cook quinoa; two cups water to 1 cup quinoa. Bring to boil, cover and simmer. 4. When quinoa is just about done add sautéed apples and cranberries. Let simmer for 3-5 minutes. 5. Just before serving chop up baby spinach (or rip apart with hands), mix into delicious quinoa mix. Makes 4 servings. (roughly 3/4 cup each) Nutrition per serving: Calories: 195 Fat: 2.5 Carbs: 38.4 Protein: 6 With 4 oz chicken Calories: 305 Fat: 3.5 Carbs: 38.4 Protein: 31 ENJOY and please share your thoughts :) ![]() Who doesn't like burgers? A lot of chain restaurants are started to offer "healthy" versions of dinners. Chili's black bean burger has 650 calories.. not completely terrible for a big dinner.. the kicker is in the fats and carbs. 12 grams of saturated fat and a whopping 96 carbs! Here's my version of the black bean burger. Remember- I'm not a chef, so this recipe is easy and was fairly quick to make. Also- We ate them before I could grab a picture, so this is from the web, but looks pretty similar except the two slices of bread. Ingredients: 1 pound lean turkey meat 3/4c black beans 3 garlic cloves 4TBS hummus (I used red pepper) 1 avocado 4 slices of your choice of bread (we eat sprouted bread; Ezekiel bread) 1 tomato Super easy directions: Mix together ground turkey, black beans, crushed garlic cloves in a bowl. My nana used to use eggs and onions in her burgers- that would be a nice add in. This makes 4 awesomely sized burgers. Cook burgers about 7 minutes on each side medium heat until cooked to your preference. While cooking- spread 1TBS hummus, 1/4 avocado and tomato on each slice of bread Top a burger on one slice of bread and enjoy! *Using one piece of bread per burger is called an "open face" burger and cuts down on carbs! For even lower carbs enjoy your burger on a big piece of roman lettuce. Nutrition: One burger with fixings: Calories: 246 Fat: 10.6 (mostly from avocado which is very healthy, fat burning fats) Carbs: 28 (again-super healthy carbs) Protein:14.4 Fiber: 8.7 Sugar: 1.7 Print this recipe out, try it and please share with us and others! ENJOY!! ![]() Sometimes..life gets in the way of life. I don't have to tell all of you this.. everyone goes through it all the time. That was this weekend for me, and I don't want anyone to think I'm complaining, I'm not at all, it was just very tough. So let me tell you about it.. Saturday: woke up at 5, made breakfast and watched stupid news 3 mushrooms 3large egg whites Tomato 1/8c feta From 8-11:15 I have classes and training, which I don't do all the exercises but I certainly burn through everything I ate. This is where it gets tough.. I have 15 minutes to eat as much as I can before the kids come in .. I got 2 slices of cantaloup Kid's classes end at 1. Then we have open gym, which i can chill behind the desk and eat alllll I want! I started cooking chicken and steak for us. Two kids came in, as well as an old friend with his friend who is competing on Ninja Warrior in a month. Well, I forgot all about the meat. So when I couldn't eat the meat this was my lunch: LUNCH 1/2c brown rice 1/2c carrots 1 apple with 1 TBS PB We closed at 4. Dave had left for the firehouse. I walked home, forgot my keys. Walked back to the gym, walked back home. At this point I'm extremely hungry and a little nauseous. DINNER (don't make fun of me for this... ate the same thing twice today) 1 egg with yolk 2 egg whites 6 grape tomatos 1/4c oatmeal with handful blueberries cleaned, tried to get my run in but called it good after 1 mile. Too... weak... DAILY TOTALS Calories: 886 protein:57 Carbs 95 fat: 38 and 1 very weak girl SUNDAY.. what I thought would be a relaxing day this goes by fast.. Woke up at 5. 1/2c oatmeal with blueberries 6 mile run... felt amazing. My body feels lighter and I ran faster than normal Waited for Dave to come home. BREAKFAST 4 egg whites 3 mushrooms 1/8c feta 1 apple with PB Had at kid's party from 10-12 at the gym. Had a shake prepared. Forgot it. At 1030 had yet another apple with PB (1/2 really.. Dave needed some too) Now after the party I can't tell you how I excited I was to go home and relax all day! But I forgot.. we planned on going to one of our friends gyms to be ninjas. Went home, drank a shake: 1c milk 1c blueberries 1 banana DELICOUS!! Went to store.. had 2 GF bars. Satisfied. Ninja-ed around from 130-4. Was called "the power couple" which felt great. I'm not sure if I have more strength from training or my body really is reacting to being clean but for once I was teaching girls how to do the salmon ladder instead of being taught. I could do more with obstacles than I ever could. *HAPPY****!! 530-11pm consisted of hanging out with Dave, my sister and our good friend Matt. We had a lot of Walking Dead to catch up on. Our friends are great, and while I don't think they competely understand why we do this, they support us. So they ate with us DINNER Whole bunch of strawberries and raspberries 4 oz chicken 1 c baked sweet potato 1/2c rice More strawberries, more almonds I can't tell you the amounts of today because it flew by so quickly I didn't have any time to put it in my phone. And that't my weekend in a nutshell. Days 7+8 were not bad, it's so hard to plan, but by the end of this I hope to be able to create a meal plan for anyone who wants to try this insanity. If anyone wants any recipes or has any questions please please don't hesitate to ask! It's day five of this whole clean eating movement Jen and I decided to tackle together. I would like to first start off my with each days feelings:
Day 1: This isn't bad. I can not each protein bars for awhile. Wait... No protein powered either? Um... ok Day 1 (afternoon): OH GOD I'M GONNA DIE! HOW DO PEOPLE LIVE LIKE THIS?!?! Day 2: Okay... stay calm... just eat more, not everything needs to be chocolate covered protein. The meals taste really good... You just need more.... Day 2 (afternoon): WHY LORD! WHY!?!? JUST ONE BAR MAN! JUST ONE WON'T KILL ME.... okay.... calm down... just eat a whole bag of almonds... that's kind of like chocolate covered protein... Day 2 (late night): OH GOD MY STOMACH IS EATING ITSELF! Day 3: I can do this, 8:30 am big breakfast. Check. Snack 1, check, snack 2 check... it's 10:30am, damn. Snack 3. Check. Big Lunch. 8 oz of chicken/ cup of veggies/ cup of rice... not full yet. Banana, homemade trail mix. Better. Snack 4, snack 5, snack 6. (I'm not even lying). Dinner... BIG BIG DINNER! I still need my chocolate fill... wait... dark chocolate is okay?!?! THERE IS A GOD! Day 4: Waking up hungry is not fun. BIGGER BREAKFAST DAVID! cup (+) of oatmeal with fruit and 3 large eggs. I'm full? I'm full! It finally happened! oh that was short lived. Day 4 (afternoon): Wow, what the hell is guam gum? Can I eat that? Vanilla flavoring can come from Beaver butt fluid?! WTF?!?! Organic Phosopate Sodium Nitroxial.... That doesn't sounds organic at all... crossbreeding wheat is okay but mechanically cleaned meat isn't. WHO IS MAKING THESE RULES?!?! Day 4 (evening): I've made it. This is okay, I feel better, I feel better. Damn... I am hungry. Day 5: Big breakfast. Snack. Snack. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Snack. Snack. Dinner. Snack. Snack. Sleep. Repeat. This is no problem So If you can't tell I am hungry. I am hungry as I type this. Ya know in that Simpson's episode where Homer couldn't eat donuts so everyone and everything turned into donuts, thats what I see. My favorite foods are literally everywhere. Do you realize how many commercials or just advertisement in general is for food? Food that has more genetically added ingredients then natural ones? It's mind boggling. And have you ever tried to walk against a crowd at Six Flags? That's the firehouse. I had plain bulgur wheat because its all I had. They had pork chops, spanish rice, white bread, and apple sauce (or at least thats what they called it). My planning has already improved. One thing about me (I am not bolstering myself, I promise), I have a fast metabolism. I mean fast. I was practically raised on Burger King and I never gained a pound as a kid. Those protein bars were no lie holding me over between our already health meals that were very portion friendly. So we take the bars, the protein shakes, and what few unhealthy snacks (its not a myth, firefighters eat ice cream a lot) but I figure it won't be bad. Those statements on the top of the page are true! I am constantly hungry. I eat a troff of food and as I finish I can feel the pit already starting in my stomach. I am already wondering where the next thing i can digest is. The thing that you don't realize is all those added ingredients put a strain on your digestive system. It has to work overtime to get through all that. Dave's digestive system already works overtime, Dave's digestive system is eating through this all natural/ "close to the ground" food like a K12 saw through a phone book. (Its a really big, really sharp saw that cuts through cement, metal, and any kind of roofing). So the hunger is real. There is some super positive things to say. Honestly, I feel better. Not that I didn't have energy before but I am full of it now. It seems a lot of my injuries are fixing themselves. It honestly like magic, nothing was working and suddenly its all solving itself. One of my favorite things, these muscles I have worked so hard on are popping out. I swear you put me next to a Calvin Klein model and I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference (I can tell you the different, my muscles can actually do something besides loosely hold up a pair of $90 underwear). It's easier then I've made it seem. I just need to eat more then a normal human even before I do my ANW workouts. Maybe I shouldn't wait 5 days to write another blog for everyone... this is a lot to take in... I need a snack...... ![]() Need a quick pick me up? A handful of raisins has just enough carbohydrates to get you through your workout. I was doing some researching on the web today when I came across this article titled "Top Fitness Trends for 2014" seen here:http://www.examiner.com/article/top-fitness-trends-for-2014-interval-training-is-zumba-is-out As I was reading the list I got more and more excited to see that what we plan to offer in our gym is exactly what is on the list! Here it is:
It's our passion to give all of our existing and soon to be clients the best classes and workouts they can get. If there is any other class/program you'd like to see at the soon to by fitness facility please don't hesitate to write us and we'll see what we can do! Jen ![]() Outdoor bootcamp is back April 12! This years bootcamp will be slightly different than last year, there's lots of exciting new things! It's not just me instructing this year, we'll have Dave as well. We have different teaching styles which brings a cool new edge to the classes. They'll still be very doable for any fitness type, but ran differently than last year. We have been working hard all winter building new equipment and obstacles for bootcamp and are very excited to finally bring them to use! Where and when do we meet? Bootcamp will meet every Saturday 9-10am at Edward Lynch Field in Hingham. This is the field right at the entrance of Bare Cove Park located across the street from Stop and Shop in Hingham. We'll be set up right on the field. Because we want to get you the best workout we possibly can we'll be in Long Island on April 26-27 getting another training certification so bootcamp will not be held on April 26. How much is bootcamp? Drop in rate of $15 or you can buy 10 classes for $100. We'll also be doing "refer a friend" benefits, because working out with a friend is a lot more fun! Bring a friend and get a free class. Who is bootcamp for? Bootcamp is a scary word, but it shouldn't be. Our classes are made for everyone: -those who want to challenge themselves -get outdoors and be a part of a pretty awesome group of people -great for weight loss, toning, endurance, cardiac health, strength, fat burning -exercise enthusiasts looking to get out of the boring gym routine What will we do in class? Each class will be very different. but each one will include a warm up, weight training either with weights or bodyweight, short bursts of cardio, some obstacles, and ending with some yoga. How to sign up It's easy- call, email or text Jen 339-499-8131 to sign up, or just show up a few minutes early to sign a waiver. Our website will soon have the option of signing up and paying for classes but until, just let us know in advance. Sign up soon to get a spot and help us spread the word! Thanks so much, and hope to see you all out there! Jen and Dave ![]() Clean eating isn't easy.. but it doesn't have to be boring. If you don't have a waffle iron, you can use the recipe for pancakes as well. Ingredients: 1.5 scoop whey protein powder (I used chocolate) 2 eggs (or egg whites) 1TBS baking soda 1TBS vanilla extract Directions: Add everything together and scoop into waffle iron, or on pan to make pancakes. Instead of syrup I spread some peanut butter and craisins on top. yummmmm Nutrition: depends on the type of protein powder you're using and what size you're making them, but my recipe came out to be just about 5 waffles, making each one: Protein: 10g Carbs: 9g Fat: 3g Calories: 100 |